Rain or shine, Pinkston will have its annual Pinkston Showcase tomorrow evening. Everything will be inside the building, so make plans to come see the awesome student work displays, participate in fun activities, and enjoy some yummy food!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
pinkston showcase may 14 from 5-7 pm
The Annual Hackler Fine Arts and Family Night is always an amazing event. Here are a few pictures showcasing some of the big talent from this year's event!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
art work on walls
art work on walls
student art on table
kid decorating cupcake
art work on walls
kid showing art work
art work on walls
Next week is for you, Class of 2024! Enjoy! https://youtu.be/Ra1rvEPCWSo
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week 2024! We love our teachers! Thank a teacher today!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
education is not the fulling of a pail but the lighting of a fire
Our Little Bombers Pre-K kids are loving on Mrs. Denise today! They're excited for next year when they get to be the big kids on campus at MHK!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
kids hugging a school secretary
Mrs. Kohler's math classes had a glow party to celebrate all their hard work on their tests this year!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
glow tic tac toe
kids in glow wear
kids having glow party
Third grade science students got a special treat this week with a fun science day! They got to interact with high school science students from Mr. Ingle's classes, and they made slime, played with Orbeez, and did several fun activities related to chemical reactions. Our littles love learning from our older kids. Thanks to everyone who put this together!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
kids doing science experiments
kids doing science experiments
kids doing science experiments
kids doing science experiments
kids doing science experiments
Bomber Parents: We had a statewide outage this morning that impacted the ATLAS testing schedule. If your child had ATLAS testing today, please refrain from checking him/her out early if possible due to the delays. Please call your child's school to discuss the new test-ending time if you have questions or concerns. Thank you!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week 2024! We love our teachers! Thank a teacher today!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
children learn more from who you are than what you teach
Help support our Special Olympic Athletes as they head to the state tournament! Wear a hat on May 10th! $2 each!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
Help support our Special Olympic Athletes as they head to the state tournament! Wear a hat on May 10th! $2 each!
Juniors are finishing their study of "The Great Gatsby". Some of them even dressed up, and they ate 1920s food too! Do you remember reading "The Great Gatsby"?
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
four high school kids in 1920s attire
Happy National School Nurse Day to our amazing team: Nurse Ashley, Nurse Bethany, Nurse Wendy, Nurse Ellen, Nurse Angie, Nurse Sue, and Nurse Donna! Thank you for the love and care you show every day!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
happy national school nurse day
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week 2024! We love our teachers! Thank a teacher today!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning
Twenty MHHSCA art students recently competed in the Arkansas Young Artists Association Competition at Hot Springs. Category Winners: Gracie Cakora--2nd Place Sculpture (Expressive) Mason Hill--4th Place Pencil (Abstract) Cara Jackson--4th Place Acrylic (Realistic) Brooklyn Sturges--2nd Place Pencil (Realistic) Lillian Terpstra--3rd Place Watercolor (Realistic); Honorable Mention Chalk Pastel (Realistic) AYAA State Officers: Ella Dover--AYAA 2023-2024 AYAA State Officer (Reporter/Historian) Gracie Cakora--AYAA 2023-2024 AYAA State Officer (Recording Secretary) Gracie Cakora--AYAA 2024-2025 AYAA State Officer (Reporter/Historian)
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
kids posing with artwork
whole group of art students
art winners
Sully Courtway was this week's MHHS 24 Minute Reading Challenge Winner. She chose a 7Brew Gift Card!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
a teen girl with a gift card
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week 2024! We love our teachers! Thank a teacher today!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
my teacher gave me the best gift of all... believing in me
Elk’s Lodge 1714 local Essay Winners this year were presented to the following Hackler students: Tucker Coleman, Pruett Sutton, and Annabelle McMackins. Their essays were sent to compete in the State competition where Tucker won 2nd overall at State and Pruett took 3rd. Photo: Mrs. Swearengin, Elk’s committee member, and Ms Schaufler, Elk’s Americanism Chair, presented checks to the winners Tucker Coleman, Pruett Sutton, and Annabelle McMackins (absent from photo), along with Mrs Goodwin, Hackler principal; and Mrs Griffin, classroom teacher. Their essay topic was: "What the Bill of Rights means to me."
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
four teachers with two elementary boys who won an essay contest
Pinkston Showcase will be May 14 from 5-7 p.m. Call Pinkston at 425-1236 for more information!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
a flyer for pinkston showcase on may 14
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week 2024! We love our teachers! Thank a teacher today!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
a good education can change anyone. a good teacher can change everything
It's School Lunch Hero Day! Our child nutrition department is AMAZING! Thank you for keeping our kids happy and healthy so they can learn! You're an incredibly important part of our district, and we couldn't do what we do without you all!
9 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
happy national school lunch hero day