Thanks to these high school mentoring guest speakers today in Mr. Ingle's Advisory: Dr. Bentley Wallace, Chancellor and Christy Keirn, Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement from ASUMH. This visit was perfectly timed for Arkansas College Application Month.
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
kids with two college reps
Our annual flu clinics will be held at all MHPS campuses next week. These clinics are conducted by the Arkansas Department of Health. Packets have been distributed to every student, but if you need a copy, you may contact your child's school nurse to get one. Please fill the packet out completely and send it back to your child's nurse before the clinic date.
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
10/7/2024 MHHS 8:30am  MHJH 12:30pm  10/8/2024 Kindergarten-12:30pm  10/9/2024 PMS 8:30am G.B. 12:30pm  10/10/2024 HIS 8:30am  10/11/2024 NWH 8:30am
Mrs. Drewry's AP English Lit class got to hear a presentation from New York Times Best-Selling author Lauren Belfer today at ASUMH. Thanks to Ms. Belfer for spending extra time with our interested students today!
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
kids with author
book cover
kids with author
author presentation
kids at college campus
Get hooked on MHHS Bomber Theatre's next production - Peter and the Starcatcher. This zany show will take you on an theatrical adventure with a nameless boy who will become Peter Pan! Join us for a night of laughs, flying crocodiles, and a lot of magic. The show is October 11th at 7:00pm, and October 12th at 2:00pm and 7:00pm. Tickets are on sale now at
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
Get hooked on MHHS Bomber Theatre's next production - Peter and the Starcatcher. This zany show will take you on an theatrical adventure with a nameless boy who will become Peter Pan! Join us for a night of laughs, flying crocodiles, and a lot of magic. The show is October 11th at 7:00pm, and October 12th at 2:00pm and 7:00pm. Tickets are on sale now at
Happy National Custodians Day!
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
Thank you to our amazing custodial staff for being a huge part of the reason our kids are able to learn in a healthy, safe environment. We couldn’t do what we do without you!
The Sophomore class representatives have designed a class shirt for the 2027 class and we would love for every Sophomore to have the opportunity to purchase a class shirt. These will be great for game days, Academy Kickoff days, Academy Celebration days, Pep Rallies, etc. Online Store is open Monday, September 30th and will close at midnight on October 13th.
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
Bomber Update - Mr. Helmert also recommends visiting this site for more information about our standard response protocol:
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
Attention Senior parents! Senior Ad Recognitions are now available for purchase in the yearbook! You can click the link below to create your own Senior's ad with pictures and a personalized message. Get creative and honor your Senior's hard work today! Yearbooks will be delivered before the 2025 Graduation and are still on sale at the link below.
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
'Attention Senior parents! Senior Ad Recognitions are now available for purchase in the yearbook! You can click the link below to create your own Senior's ad with pictures and a personalized message. Get creative and honor your Senior's hard work today!  Yearbooks will be delivered before the 2025 Graduation and are still on sale at the link below.'
Congratulations to this year's Homecoming Royalty!
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
a list of hoco royalty
Last Wednesday our staff received their Bomber t-shirts from Arvest Bank. This has become an annual tradition that EVERYONE looks forward to! We appreciate Arvest Bank so much. It's always fun to see familiar faces when they deliver the shirts as well! Thank you!!!!!
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
teachers posing with shirts
teachers posing with shirts
teachers posing with shirts
teachers posing with shirts
teachers posing with shirts
teachers posing with shirts
From EAST Facilitator Audrey Plumlee at Hackler Intermediate School: "My 5th grade EAST Program invited several veterans to come in today and answer questions from how life was in the service to how we could improve our Veteran's Day Program. We had Thomas Stickles Jr., Dan Hall, Delaney Thomas and Krysi Shimmel (who joined us Via Zoom from Maine). Mr. Dan Hall showed us a LIFE magazine from July 2, 1965. On the front cover of the magazine there are several Marines carrying a wounded soldier. He is the soldier right under the letter E in Life, he has a mustache and is not wearing a hat. He talked to the students about how the picture was taken. Mr. Thomas Stickles brought a MRE for the students to see what they ate. At the very end, Mr. Stickles and Mr. Thomas demonstrated how the MRE heats up. They allowed the students to take turns coming to the table to inspect and smell what the Chili Mac MRE looked like. We are so grateful for all four of these men and women. They had so much to offer our students. It was a great honor for us all to be in the same room with them."
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
kids talking to vets
kids talking to vets
life magazine cover of marines
Congratulations to sophomore Owen Morris for being named Mrs. Lawrence's featured artist of the month! "The Beautiful Turtle" Acrylic
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
kid holding painting
Here's the first quarter Pinkston Middle School Virtual Art Show! We love when this comes out each quarter!
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
Enjoy a picture of current juniors and seniors who received their AP Rewards Checks last week for top performances on AP exams last year!
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
kids holding checks
Congratulations to the September Pinkston Students of the Month! 7th Grade: Landyn Anderson, Samira Gassama, Jaden Gilbert, and Moksha Adhikari
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
kids with certificates
Congrats to the September Pinkston Students of the Month! 6th Grade: Gus Terry, Tucker Coleman, Brooklyn Horne, and Ally June Speer
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
kids with certificates
Homecoming 2024 Info!
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
day - MHHS Homecoming Class Float Building 3-8 pm (only MHHS 9-12 grade students)    Monday - “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” - Wear your school-appropriate pajamas. Homecoming 2024 Coloring pages for MHK, NWH & Hackler MHHS Homecoming Class Float Building 4-8 pm (only MHHS 9-12 grade students)   Tuesday - “Christmas in New York” - Wear your Christmas Gear MHHS Homecoming Class Float Building 4-9 pm (only MHHS 9-12 grade students)   Wednesday - “Walk in Central Park”  - Wear your Athletic Clothes/Gear Homecoming Parade during the school day starts at 1 pm. Schools involved will be MHHS, MHJH & Hackler. Mentor Bell Schedule Day   Thursday - “Statue of Liberty Day” - Wear your Red/White/Blue USA Gear. Powderpuff Game at Bomber Stadium during the school day after lunches for MHHS (9-12 grade) students only; Mentor Bell Schedule Day   Friday - “I Love the Bombers” - Wear your Homecoming shirt or BLUE & GOLD gear Presentation of Royalty at afternoon Pep Rally  Friday Evening  Homecoming festivities will begin at 6:30 PM  Crowning of Homecoming King & Queen at 6:45 PM   Saturday - Homecoming Semi-Formal Dance for MHHS High School Students 7-9 PM  at the High School. Only MHHS (9-12th) students are allowed to come to the Homecoming dance & must present a Homecoming ticket & student ID to enter. Students must be enrolled in MHPS District (9-12th grade) to attend…no outside guests. Tickets will be sold starting September 30th and are $10 each. May purchase those in the library with Mrs. Czeschin-Stowers or room 205 with Mrs. Quick.  Homecoming Shirts -a link will be provided soon for ordering shirts through Sharkcreek Graphics. Online orders ONLY! Pick-up will also be at Sharkcreek Graphics.
This week Mrs. Dewey and Mrs. Rauls highlight the MHHS White Coat Internship Program.
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
Bus 46 is running about 20 minutes late.
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford
MHPS Parents/Guardians, Today our administration was notified that some students were sharing a social media post that included a threat of violence toward an organization or school called “MHS.” This post circulated through a number of local students and was eventually reported to our administration. While this post did not refer to Mountain Home or our schools, we still reported it to the authorities immediately. Our police department began tracing the post, and in the meantime similar “MHS” threats started cropping up around the country. In fact, a 13-year-old girl was arrested in California for making a “MHS” threat in her district today. Later in the day we received reports that students told their parents that our buildings were on lockdown. I want to clarify that at no point during the day were we on lockdown. Generally speaking – unless it would cause additional risk in the moment – we will notify you promptly if we are placed in a status of lockdown, shelter, hold, evacuation, etc. for any reason. This afternoon we received another report of a Snapchat warning classmates. It was not a threat and did not identify MHPS, but we reported it, and our local authorities are looking into it as well. Please continue to report threats or questionable posts. Make sure the appropriate people – authorities and school administration – have this information so action can be taken quickly. Thank you, Allyson Dewey
4 months ago, Jennifer Crawford