Attention parents/guardians of students who ride bus 36: The bus has had a mechanical issue that will cause some riders to be dropped off late.

Olyvia was the August Student of the Month at GBCCA! Congratulations, Olyvia!

September 2, 2021
Nelson-Wilks-Herron Elementary: 1 positive student. 1 family probable close contact.

The deadline for the Salvation Army Shoes, Socks and Skivvies Program is Tuesday, September 7. If interested, families should call Kayla at 424-5708 to sign up by Tuesday!

August 31, 2021
Hackler Intermediate School: 1 positive student.
Pinkston Middle School: 3 positive students.
Mountain Home Junior High: 2 positive students. 3 family probable close contacts.
Mountain Home High School: 1 positive student.

August 30, 2021
MH Kindergarten: 1 positive student. 4 family probable close contacts.
Nelson-Wilks-Herron Elementary: 1 positive student.
Hackler Intermediate School: 2 positive students. 1 family probable close contact.
MH Junior High: 1 positive student.

We love our friends at Bass Cat and Yar-Craft Boats! Thank you for donating school supplies to our students through your "Stuff the Boat" event! More than 200 pounds of school supplies were donated by Bass Cat and Yar-Craft employees.

Thanks to all the students and families who participated in the August STEM challenge in Ms. Almond's STEM class at MHK. Congratulations to our student winner, Emmaline, as well as our teacher winner -- who had the most class participants -- Mrs. Kary Goettler!
Emmaline and her family won:
$75 Natures Way Gift Certificate
Free Haircut at One on One Salon by Ashley Smith
$20 Cove Coffee Gift Certificate
$50 To The Bounce Palace
Mrs. Goettler won:
$50 Gift Certificate to Buncles Brick Oven and Brews
30 minute massage at Evolution Massage by Raven Foley
Mrs. Denise Lake -- secretary at MHK -- received an appreciation gift for all her help coordinating things: a gift certificate for a massage from Shae Cramton at Evolution.
BIG thanks to all the prize donors and all the families who participated!

Please join us in congratulating the Pinkston 2021 VIP Summer Reading winners! These six students have read more than 7,000 minutes combined this summer. Way to go, Bombers!!

Ms. Thompson's students at Hackler did a scavenger hunt for Informational Text Features. We're enjoying the Benchmark Reader's Workshop!

COVID-19 Positive Case Information:
Date: August 26, 2021
Nelson-Wilks-Herron Elementary: 2 positive students. 1 family probable close contact.
Pinkston Middle School: 1 positive student. 1 family probable close contact.
Mountain Home High School: 1 positive student.

Date: August 25, 2021 Nelson-Wilks-Herron Elementary: 2 positive students. 3 family probable close contacts. Hackler Intermediate School: 1 positive student. Mountain Home Junior High: 2 positive students. Transportation Department: 1 positive staff. 1 probable close contact.

MHHS StuCo is meeting virtually to plan for all this year’s excitement!

Please visit our COVID-19 Dashboard for today's positive case information. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and you'll find it under the August tab.

Check out our new COVID-19 Dashboard:
Report positive cases and close contacts.
View resources and district procedures related to COVID-19.
View current COVID-19 case info.

Date: August 23, 2021
Mountain Home Junior High: 2 positive students. 2 family probable close contacts.
MHHS: 2 positive students.

Sixth grade science students have been team building before they begin collaborating on experiments! Thanks for sharing, Ms. Schaufler!

August 19 - COVID-19 Positive Case Information:
Nelson-Wilks-Herron Elementary: 1 student. 3 probable close contacts and 2 family close contacts.
Pinkston Middle School: 1 student
MHJH: 1 student. 2 family close contacts.

August 18, 2021 - COVID-19 Positive Case Information:
Mountain Home Kindergarten: 2 students
Nelson-Wilks-Herron Elementary: 1 student
Hackler Intermediate School: 2 students
Pinkston Middle School: 1 student
Notes: No probable close contacts. As this is the first day of school, none of these students have been on campus yet this year.