Join us for one of the most-loved events all year: The Mountain Home High School Career Academies Empty Bowls to Feed the Hungry Soup Dinner
Thursday, February 23, 2023
4 to 6 p.m.
MHHSCA Cafeteria
$10 per ticket
Proceeds go to the Food Bank of North Central Arkansas
We are excited about our 23 in 23 Reading Initiative! Our students start reading on January 9!
MHPS is asking all community members to support our student reading initiative by dropping what you're doing and reading for 23 minutes on
Monday, January 23, 2023 from 8 a.m. to 8:23 a.m.
Take a selfie while you're reading and post it as a comment on the MHPS Facebook Page under this post (which will be pinned to the top of the page).
Now accepting School Choice forms until May 1, 2023!
Paws of Love were on the high school campus during lunch for a couple days to bring a source of comfort during the stress of finals. The inspiration came from our college coaches' university visits and their own therapy dog options during finals week. It was such a success that they have been invited back for spring finals.
Congratulations to Anthony Aitken who graduated from our second chance diploma program (Night Flight) in December! We're so proud of you, Anthony! If you want more info about Night Flight, call 870-425-1261.
French Club Chili Supper
Friday, February 3rd
4:30 to 6:30 pm
Century 21 LeMac Realty, 1024 Hwy 62 East
$5 per ticket
As we enter a new year, don't forget how much ATTENDANCE MATTERS! Here are some enlightening attendance facts!
We look forward to having students back in class on Thursday, January 5! Here’s a link to this year’s calendar for more important dates!
Guy Berry College and Career Academy manufacturing and science classes have partnered with the city of Mountain Home, with a plan to place floating duck houses at each of the city park ponds. The houses are being designed and fabricated in the new manufacturing classes at GBCCA from wood and fiberglass. The ducks are being hatched, brooded and raised by the GBCCA science department. The first house and 5 ducks were placed at McCabe Park pond on December 20th.
Results of the Hackler Ugly Christmas Sweater Competition:
MHJH Student Council raises money each fall by selling paper feathers that students may purchase for their favorite teachers. This fundraiser benefits the Mountain Home Food Basket. This year the students raised more $1000 to benefit local families in need.
Cotter Warrior cheerleaders cheered on our Bomber Cheerleaders today at State!
The First Security Bank 2022-23 Leadership Award Winner of the Month goes to MHJH student, Mason Cox. He was chosen by the Jr High Teachers and staff as the student who has best displayed outstanding leadership qualities during the month of November. Some of the qualities he demonstrates are: takes initiative, relatable, and always looking for other ways to help his teachers. Congratulations to you, Mason, we are so proud of you!
The MHHS National Honor Society did a food drive for FUMC Backpack for Kids the 2nd nine weeks of school. They collected & delivered 70+ jars of peanut butter and 60+ boxes of Mac and cheese. The Backpack for Kids program is mission project that provides MHPS students with food that are in need. Great job NHS Students for giving back!
23 Juniors and Seniors traveled to Conway Tuesday, December 6th to visit the University of Central Arkansas campus. Students were shown around campus and given information about admissions, financial aid, housing, and academic programs.
This event was hosted by our College & Career Coaches, Whitney Rodgers and Tracy Stephens.
From Mrs. Mize: "In my Survey of Business class, my students were to write professional business letters to a company/brand/celebrity, etc. of their choice. Christian was the first person to receive anything back from the letter he sent. He was so excited to receive a response!"
MHJH and MHHS Winter Choir Concert - tonight in Dunbar Auditorium at 6:30!
Band holiday concert information attached!
We love when our little kids partner with big kids! Kindergartners drew pictures showing what they want to be when they grow up and shared them with Mrs. Corales' 6th grade Honors Class. The Pinkston students wrote letters about those jobs and sent them back to the kindergarten. Kindergartners in Mrs. Pitchford's class were treated with the "BIG KIDS" reading to them about different job opportunities. Career-connected learning at its finest!
Mountain Home High School Career Academies Students and Teachers of the Month sponsored by First Community Bank of Mountain Home--
ACME Student of the Month: Cooper Liles
ACME Teacher of the Month: Mr. Aaron Mead
CAB Student of the Month: Hannah Carlisle
CAB Teacher of the Month: Mrs. Emma Reed
HHS Student of the Month: Lexi Rauls
HHS Teacher of the Month: Mr. Tyler Blasdel