Bomber Families and Staff,
I’ve been watching the upcoming winter storm for a few days, and I have received dozens of special updates from local news sources in collaboration with the National Weather Service. At this time, it appears there is a 100% chance that our area will have significant snowfall beginning on Tuesday. The snowfall – coupled with the extreme cold that will hang around for a few days – leads me to believe that we will need to cancel classes at MHPS at some point this week, because this storm appears to be a sure thing. I am crossing my fingers that it won’t happen, but I’m also realistic and want to be as prepared as possible. Moreover, I think it’s important to communicate with you all ahead of time so that you can make snow day arrangements for your children if necessary.
The best consensus we can see from current models is that snow will begin anywhere from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday. Throughout the day tomorrow (Monday), we will have a better picture of what time the snow will start. As we inch closer to the event and receive the most accurate data, we’ll be able to better make a decision about Tuesday. But as I said before, I want you all to be able to make alternative plans for your children in the event that we have to cancel Tuesday or possibly release early.
I want you all to know that I am closely monitoring this situation. For now, I don’t have an answer, but I assure you that I’m taking the impending winter weather seriously.
When we see what actually falls on Tuesday, we’ll be able to begin making decisions for the rest of the week. I plan to do my best to notify you in advance as to if/when school will be in session. My goal is always to give you plenty of notice, but we will have to wait and see what actually happens before those decisions are made.
Thank you all for your support as we work to keep our Bombers safe. I can say for sure that I am ready for spring, and I bet you all are too.
Have a good day tomorrow, and we will update you as soon as possible.