Career Exploration
At MHJH, our goal is Career Exploration. We strive to create opportunities for our students to learn about all of the career options available to each and every student and give each student the opportunity to connect with community members in those careers.

In the first quarter, 9th grade students had a visit from Frank Vacco to discuss how insurance works in the real world. He talked about medicare and medicaid and how they would affect the older generation.
Students in Medical Professional classes learned all about the hiring process. They filled out job applications, created resumes, and interviewed community members.
Career Day on October 27 was a huge success! Participants from around the area descended on the JH campus, Baxter County Fairgrounds, and The Sheid. Students explored various careers from the animal industry, the electrical industry, medical industry, as well as hobbyists who have discovered side gigs in order to supplement incomes. We also had participants from the aeronautical industry, restaurant industry, first responders, emergency personnel, the engineering & surveying industry, and a fishing guide from the tourism industry. Many avenues were investigated and curiosity among the students peaked. One student even went to one of the presenters and now has a job in their restaurant!