Health & Wellness
Mountain Home Public Schools strive to keep our students healthy and safe (Wellness Policy 5.29). The district employs 7 full time nurses who assist our students and faculty with their healthcare needs. Good health enables a child to acheive a higher level of learning. For your convenience, MHPS provides the following health and wellness information:
Health and Wellness related links:
Health and Wellness Committee Members
Rules Governing Nutrition and Physical Activity
Guide to Smart Snacks in School
GoNoodle (online content based video resource to get kids moving)
Bridges of Mountain Home (a non profit organization that bridges the gap between student needs and student success)
Food Bank of North Central Arkansas
Immunizations Kindergarten
DTaP – minimum of 4 doses with last dose on or after the 4th birthday
Polio – minimum of 3 doses with last dose on or after the 4th birthday
Varicella – 2 doses
MMR – 2 doses
Hepatitis B – 3 doses
Hepatitis A – 1 dose
Immunizations grades 1-12
DTaP – 3 or 4 doses
Polio – minimum of 3 doses
Varicella – 2 doses
MMR – 2 doses
Hepatitis B – 3 doses
Hepatitis A – 1 dose 1st grade only
Tdap – 1 dose at age 11 (if your child will be 11 after school starts and before Sept. 1, your child will need the vaccine within 30 days of birthday)
Meningococcal – 1 dose when entering 7th grade (2nd dose at age 16)
Vision and Hearing
This will be done on grades K, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and any referrals.
Body Mass Index
This will be done on grades K, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
This will be done on 6th and 8th grade girls, and 8th grade boys.
Flu Clinic
This event is sponsored annually by Baxter County Health Unit and held at each school during the month of October.
Physicals for Student Athletes
Provided free of charge every spring by the Baxter Regional Medical Center, contact the Athletic Dept. for more information, 425-1285.